I am a Black woman living a Black experience
making work from a Black perspective that speaks truth to power
My work celebrates the embodied conversations between Mother Africa
and the diaspora that derives from her
My work elevates Black bodies where they rightfully belong
by excavating the beauty that resides within us
My work does not apologize, for being too loud, too vibrant, too well mannered,
too ghetto, too woke, or too ratchet
My work does not apologize for making people uncomfortable
My work is for the little Black girl with kinky hair,
and the little Black girl with a press and curl
for the Muvas, Fahvas, Bothas, Sistas,
Cousin Man-Man, Ray-Ray, Pookie and ‘em.
for the Angela Davis, and the Assata Shakurs,
the Bessie Smiths and Ma Rainys,
the Kimberle Crenshaws and the Patricia Hill Collins
the Marcus Garveys, James Baldwins, Fred Hamptons,
and the Huey P. Newtons
the Tony Morrisons and Terry McMillans
My work is for my Ancestors and every highly melanated Black being
I make work for Black Lives because we Matter